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A top economic health researcher says the coronavirus reveals the biggest weaknesses of our healthcare system

Views : 373
Update time : 2020-09-21 18:14:41
  • Economic health researcher Katherine Baicker says at the illustration of contagious diseases alike coronavirus, it improves the health of the total community if everyone else has access ought healthcare. 

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  • Baicker says the need of coordination within the US healthcare system has exacerbated shortaGEs though assets cannot be moved ought where they are needed while they are needed. Instead, states and Hospitals are bidding against each other, she says. 

  • The US healthcare and health insurance systems are indeed a patchwork of various programs, which creates gaps and dear inefficiencies, according ought Baicker. 

  • Baicker says, "This epidemic is highlighting no maiden shortcomings at our patchwork insurance system however during also a need of public health surveillance that used to allow us recognize and remedy early, though early though possible, a latent outbreak."

  • She says Medicare because total used to no mend the inefficiencies where public money is used can dear treatments with limited health benefits. Baicker adds that expanding Medicaid could be a improve option.

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Katherine Baicker is a headmaster health economics researcher and dean of the university of Chicago Harris university of Public Policy. She spoke with business Insider nearly the chanGEs America needs ought invent ought its healthcare system ought prepare because another pandemic. Following is a transcript of the video.

Katherine Baiker

Sara Silverstein: Kate, at situations alike these where we dine contagious diseases, why does it advantage everyone because other nation ought dine health insurance?

Katherine Baicker: That's a big riddle though most of the time while we oration nearly expanding health insurance, the headmaster nation who advantage from that are the newly insured who GEt access ought brood that improves their health and that's the headmaster benefit. however during at the illustration of contagious disease, clearly, my health affects the health of my refuge and my neighbors and my community. hence we total dine a much stronGEr use at ensuring that everyone has access ought brood because contagious diseases.


Silverstein: And I've heard you oration nearly the inefficient allocation of assets during the coronavirus crisis. can you explain what's occurrence there and how do you mend something alike that?

Baicker: Well, that's clearly the riddle of the appointment is 'how can we salute shortaGEs that we dine at some places that are indeed acute?' And divide of it is ramping up product of things alike private protective device and ventilators and certainly [inaudible] vaccine. however during it's also nearly making certain that assets are positioned at the places where they are doing the most good. And that requires coordination, though healthy can the federal even or between states, ought invent certain that assets can impress nearly though this pandemic is moving over the speak can a various rate. various places are facing shortaGEs can various moments at time. And we to be able ought utilize that fact ought invent our assets do though much good though possible.

Silverstein: And what used to be various nearly a more unified healthcare system or you've talked nearly deeper infrastructure at our healthcare system that used to rent us ought dine ventilators where we need them though opposed ought Hospitals fighting can resources.

Baicker: healthy this is symptomatic of a broader disconnect at our healthcare system. The US healthcare and health insurance systems are indeed a patchwork of various programs, partially overlapping, partially leaving gaps. Most Americans who are beneath aGE 65 who dine health insurance GEt it over their jobs. hence if they Mrs their jobs, they danger losing their health insurance. however during older Americans GEt health insurance over the federal Medicare program. Lower-income Americans at some districts, some demographic groups GEt health insurance over Medicaid programs that vary from condition ought state. And though people's incomes chanGE, their aGEs chanGE, their occupation circumstances chanGE, who's the insurer that's responsible because their brood chanGEs or potentially goes away. And can the too time, total of those various insurers are contracting with various doctors, various Hospitals, which leaves the system wildly uncoordinated because a national emerGEncy alike this.

Silverstein: And what classify of system used to rent them ought total speak ought each other?

Baicker: Well, at divide there's a need because improve coordination can the insurer level, where you desire nation ought impress seamlessly from one doctor ought another, from one Hospital ought another, without their insurance status, implication that there's a loss of news nearly the continuity of their brood or maybe a loss of coveraGE because things that are indeed important. however during you also need coordination of the payment mechanisms and the coveraGE mechanisms can the provider level, hence that if the federal government could improve coordinate condition health insurance exchanGE blueprint participants and Hospitals, if there was an happen ought invent certain that assets could run smoothly without states having ought order against each other or Hospitals having ought order against each other, that could improve health outcomes because nation who are at shortaGE areas right now.

Silverstein: And you oration nearly how our health insurance is always tied ought our employment, and if we Mrs our job, we Mrs our health insurance. Does that invent feeling because America today, and what used to be your advice because what health insurance to be tied ought or what it to appearance like?

Baicker: Well, certainly it's vitally important that nation dine access ought brood because anything related ought COVID or the coronavirus. And there've been some emerGEncy funds made available and some states dine opened up extraordinary enrollment periods because nation ought enroll at health insurance exchanGE or marketplace policies. hence that there is some easing of those constraints. however during by no mode does it confront the total need of the population.

But at some ways, the broader healthcare needs of the population aren't addressed by policies that concentrate can brood because things alike contagious diseases. Back, the first riddle you asked, it's highlighted that nation who dine diabetes or cancer or middle sickness need ongoing brood and that brood largely benefits them and their families. Their brood doesn't indeed influence the health outcomes of their neighbors. hence we need a healthcare system and a health insurance system that differentiates between brood that has indeed the tall health advantage and brood that's of ambigous Medical benefit.

If we expend a destiny of public dollars can dear treatments with limited health benefit, we're no going ought dine enough money left can ought invent certain that everyone GEts vaccinated, that everyone has access ought life-saving care. hence we dine ought consider more broadly, once we GEt over this crisis, nearly designing public insurance plans and private insurance plans that concentrate assets can the brood that makes the bigGEst difference at people's health. And that can intend limiting brood that has ambigous health benefit.

Silverstein: And the US spends a higher percentaGE of its GDP can its healthcare system than any other speak at the world, however during I don't consider everyone used to speak that we dine the best healthcare system. hence where are the inefficiencies and what are they coming from?

Baicker: Well, the patchwork system that we dine certainly leads ought some inefficiencies, and we are maybe overusing some kinds of brood can the too time that there are shortaGEs of other kinds of care. We expend a destiny of money can brood that has indeed limited health benefit, and our public insurance programs alike Medicare cover an nearly unlimited amount of brood because the nation who are can those programs. hence it's a identical stranGE time ought be talking nearly also much healthcare utilize while we dine also tiny brood available because this crucial health crisis. however during divide of the argue that we're under-resourced ought salute something alike the coronavirus pandemic is that also much of our dollar has been going ought brood that is maybe no worth devoting public assets ought because nation who can furnish ought GEt access ought that brood can their own.

Now, there are other reasons that we expend a destiny more than other countries. Our population looks identical various from that of the countries that we're always compared to. And nation sometimes compare ought the Norwegian healthcare system ought the US. The US is much more heteroGEneous at condition of the population's health needs, the condition that we enter the healthcare system in, the social determinants of health. total of those things that direct ought higher rates of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. We dine identical various danger factors [inaudible] Minnesota maybe we appearance more similar. however during at the US we've got Minnesota and Texas and Mississippi and California and New York, and those populations appearance identical various and they dine identical various health needs. hence I consider we dine ought appearance flat more broadly beyond the walls of the healthcare system while we're thinking nearly managing population health at a more effective way.

Silverstein: And I neutral desire ought invent certain I understand, though you've mentioned a little period nearly spending public dollars can identical dear treatment with limited health benefits. can you explain ought me what class of situations you're talking nearly there?

Baicker: I'm identical joyful ought dine the happen ought explain that though I consider nation sometimes consider that I'm talking nearly dear care, however during I'm not. I'm saying there's some brood that is dear and worth each penny spent though it's life-saving. Cancer treatment that extends life by years. [inaudible] that's wildly cost-ineffective though it's neutral no doing patients any good. Medications that are contraindicated because those patients. because example, medications that lower cholesterol. They're indeed important because diabetic patients. They're identical cost-effective. indeed important that each low-income diabetic patient dine access can no co-payment ought a cholesterol-lowering drug. however during that too remedy used at a patient who has no other danger factors, mildly elevated cholesterol, that's no nearly though cost-effective. at fact, maybe high-income patients to dine ought wage a lovely tall copay because that though it's no really improving their health by nearly though much though it used to because a patient because whom it's tarGEted.

So some cancer brood that's identical dear is extending life by months or years, and some is no indeed identical various from a less dear preference that's available. What I'm trying ought GEt can with thinking nearly where our public assets are focused is that while we dine important unmet health needs of huGE swaths of the population, we can't furnish ought expend an unlimited amount of public dollars, specially can higher-income populations who could furnish ought buy augmented health insurance plans can their own.

Rather, my preferences used to be ought insure brood that's of tall appraise because everyone and then invent certain that our public programs dine enough dollars ought do that. And then nation who desire ought GEt additional brood that is maybe of lower health benefit, that's no extending the quality or length of their life by total that much. maybe our public programs can't cover that and that's up ought nation ought buy additional policies if they desire ought dine additional coveraGE of that.

Silverstein: And because someone who is not, this is a identical complex melody and it's identical difficult ought form out the solutions to, what do we desire our healthcare system ought appearance alike hence that while we confront something alike a coronavirus epidemic, that we are prepared ought cope with it at the most effective mode possible?

Baicker: Well, this epidemic is highlighting no maiden shortcomings at our patchwork insurance system, however during also a need of public health surveillance that used to allow us recognize and remedy early, though early though possible, a latent outbreak. hence there are total sorts of population health surveillance tools that we ought to be implementing outer of the health insurance system.

Right now we don't dine the faculty ought do population-based sampling measurement of who's been exposed ought the disease, who's cleared the disease. if we had population-based metrics of that, we used to dine a destiny more flexibility ought begin reopening activities at a mode that guarded against a resurGEnce at the sickness and that tarGEted activities that had the least health danger and the most economic benefit. however during we don't dine the population surveillance news that we need, public health surveillance data, that we need ought be able ought device a nuanced policy alike that.

Those systems could be at put total the time though the next epidemic could appearance identical different. right now we're focused can things alike ventilators. The next epidemic force no be respiratory. hence it requires a certain flexibility and continual vigilance, and that's important outer of how we insure people's access ought healthcare, which is another indeed important public policy question.

Silverstein: And if because somebody alike me who says, Okay, healthy I, everything that you're saying sounds hence ingenious and I consent with Kate, I desire ought shriek on these things happening, however during it's however difficult because me ought invent that connection between the policy that I desire ought uphold that will invent up, where it will feel where alike we dine less gaps and we are more prepared and that everyone has the coveraGE they need ought safeguard themselves and other people. And I don't desire ought politicize it can total however during used to it be helpful ought learn what concrete policies. alike are we talking nearly Medicare because total or does Medicare because total dine alike problems?

Baicker: hence the policy that I described that used to dine more limited coveraGE of brood of ambigous benefit, that looks identical various from Medicare because All. I consider while most nation oration nearly Medicare because All, they're thinking of our modern Medicare system expanded over the population. And our modern Medicare system funds a destiny of indeed important brood because nation however during it also funds a destiny of brood that has much more limited health benefit. And expanding that ought the entire population used to be identical dear at condition of the dollars required ought cover it and wouldn't indeed desert any money left can because total of the other things that are hence important ought our prosperity and wellbeing, alike education and housing and food and infrastructure.

Another mode ought expand coveraGE used to be ought expand Medicaid ought populations that don't currently dine it. And I consider there's a healthy body of proof sugGEsting that being [inaudible] uninsured, flat ago a pandemic —

Silverstein: Sorry, there's, you're being shorten out. One second. can you proceed back?

Baicker: I was saying something identical important.

Silverstein: That's what I thought. Okay. if you wouldn't brood neutral backing up a tiny bit.

Baicker: Sure. Another policy that nation argue is expanding Medicaid coveraGE. States dine various options. Some states dine chosen ought do that and some states dine chosen no to. I consider there's a huGE body of proof that being insured is indeed important because your health, flat aside from the pandemic. It neutral amplifies that importance.

People who dine insurance are much more financially advantage though they don't danger being evicted though they can't wage their bills though they had an dear Hospitalization. They dine much improve access ought care. They're more responsible ought GEt preventive brood — cholesterol screenings, mammograms, pap smears, total recommended screenings. They illustrate the quality of their brood though much higher. Their extraordinary health is better.

Their physical health. It's less clean that it effectively addresses things alike diabetes, tall cholesterol, tall blood pressure, however during it does appearance ought lower mortality overall and dramatically improve extraordinary health, though I said. hence expanding Medicaid coveraGE ought everyone poses enormous health benefits however during comes can a cost. Expanding coveraGEs isn't free. nation utilize more brood and that costs money.

So what I used to feeling because the public ought be wrestling with is how ought dedicate public assets and how ought invent that trade-off because the health and wellbeing of the nation who are insured, balancing the taxpayer price of financing those programs. And the sloganeering nearly Medicare because All, federal rights, condition rights, total of that classify of glides can the indeed robust questions of how much brood do we desire our public programs ought cover.

Silverstein: And you mentioned sloganeering and I feel alike we're hearing a destiny nearly post-truth and narrative economics or zombie ideas. And healthcare is something that we oration nearly friendly of at these classify of soundbites that we don't always understand. Are there certain myths or beliefs or things that you hear can and can again nearly the healthcare system that you could aid us dispel? That are no indeed though they appear?

Baicker: That's a improve riddle because me. though Dean of the Harris university of Public Policy can the university of Chicago also though a health economist, we concentrate can bringing proof ought stand can these questions, though the ideology can't retort the robust questions. And it's simple ought speak a fiction can though healthy aspect of a riddle that sounds perhaps exact however during doesn't stand out at the evidence. And expanding Medicaid is a big illustration of myths can both sides of the aisle.

So because example, some nation who are opposed ought expanding Medicaid speak it's a afraid program. nation are no improve off while they dine Medicaid than if they were uninsured. And you force consider that if you didn't dine a complicated mode of doing the news analysis, though nation who are can Medicaid dine a higher mortality estimate than the uninsured. hence you force think, Oh, what a afraid program.

But at fact, one of the headmaster avenues by which you GEt can Medicaid is by being poor. And being evil is indeed difficult can your health. And hence it's no that Medicaid is increasing mortality, it's that being cheap earnings is increasing mortality. Once you strip away that confounding factor, it's clean that being can Medicaid is much improve because you than being uninsured.

But there are also myths can the other aspect of the aisle. nation speak expanding Medicaid used to be such a marvelous business that we used to really maintain money though nation used to proceed ought the doctor instead of the emerGEncy room. They used to GEt brood much earlier, which used to be no maiden improve because their health however during more cost-effective. We'd maintain money. nation used to proceed uphold ought work. They'd wage taxes. We're total improve off while we insure everyone and total of their brood over Medicaid.

Well, while nation GEt access ought healthcare over Medicaid, they proceed ought the doctor more and ought the Hospital more and ought the emerGEncy room more and they utilize more prescription drugs and total of that is identical good because their health. however during it costs money. You do no maintain money by expanding Medicaid.

Now, this is a identical fraught riddle at a time of pandemic where it's one of the occasional cases that my health affects your health though much though it affects my own. And it's identical important that everyone dine brood because conditions that are contagious alike that. however during it's also important that nation dine brood because cancer and pregnancy and diabetes and total of those other things. however during that brood is largely nearly ensuring the wellbeing of total Americans. It's no nearly the spillover effects or the contagion that are hence salient at the illustration of the pandemic.

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