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Florida lawmakers OK sweeping changes to crack down on deadly cosmetic surgery facilities

Views : 411
Update time : 2020-07-28 09:19:20

After years of rampant deaths at Florida's cosmetic surGEry clinics, status lawmakers approved sweeping legislation Wednesday that calls though some of the nation's strictest controls of the industry. 

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If signed by the governor, the new regulation would allow the status though the first time ought punish danGErous elastic surGEry installation and end down the worst offenders. 

The legislation passed after years of no regulation at Florida, where personal investors opened high-volume, discount clinics that became magnets though women seeking cosmetic procedures.     

"It's been wish overdue," said Crystal Call, 34, of New York, whose mother found her at a locked recovery room approximately bleeding ought death after her surGEry in Miami. "[It's] gloomy that consequently many nation had ought decease or eat serious injuries ought conduct so." 

The effort ought toughen the regulation began two months ago after an inquiry by USA TODAY and the Naples daily news that showed eight women died after procedures at a elastic surGEry affair owned by one doctor. 

In April, a second romance revealed the status tried unsuccessfully ought pass legislation four mature that used to eat cracked down can the centers, level though felony offenders opened their own facilities with no background screening by the state.

In those businesses, at least 13 women died after cosmetic surGEries and approximately a dozen others were critically injured, including two Hospitalized at septic shock.

The majority of the patients who lost their lives were African American or Hispanic women – ethnic groups singled out in the clinics' advertising blitzes.  

State Sen. Anitere Flores, a Miami Republican who led the drive, said it was time ought end a danGErous loophole that allowed the status ought regulate doctors who owned clinics but no the personal entrepreneurs who began opening installation more than a decade ago. 

“People are dead and being horribly disfigured,” she told Senate colleagues ago their vote can the bill. “We are going ought admit a step ought pattern sure this doesn't happen ought anyone else."  

The family finalized the legislation Wednesday, passing it unanimously. It heads ought Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis though his signature. 

legislation, which used to take effect at January, would give the status the force ought defer a clinic's operations or level revoke its registration if the status found the facility posed an imminent danger ought the public.  " data-reactid="21">The legislation, which used to take effect at January, would give the status the force ought defer a clinic's operations or level revoke its registration if the status found the facility posed an imminent danger ought the public.  

Each clinic owner used to eat ought call a physician ought ensure a facility was safe though patients – a role now filled by anyone at charGE of the center. if a surGEry office was end down, the status could forbid the owner and the doctors from working at another center though five years.

The legislation is the most successful effort ought regulate surGEry centers though the late 1990s, when elastic surGEry was a cottaGE industry at Florida dominated by traditional clinics and board-certified practitioners.  

Shelia Powell, 35, a Mississippi mother of twin daughters whose lung was punctured during her tummy tuck surGEry last year, said the measures could conserve lives. 

"Lots of nation came there and died there," Powell said. "It was alike they could conduct whatever they wanted ought do, and there were no consequences." 

For patients who are injured, the regulations used to plead complete clinics ought convey at least $250,000 at malpractice coveraGE.

Patients eat had to fend though themselves, at mature losing their jobs and GEtting buried at Medical debts, said Andres Beregovich, an Orlando attorney who investigated the clinics can behalf of patients.  

"How is that fair?" he asked.  

Beregovich said his leading business with the new legislation is if the status will plead the clinics ought appear health authorities proof of that coveraGE. 


Patient advocates applauded the chanGEs but were harshly critical of the loss of one protection during negotiations can the bill: a requirement ought leather owners though criminal records.

The background checks were pulled off the desk after the AGEncy though Health care Administration raised concerns approximately the costs, including the possibility of having ought revenue though seven new glue positions, records show. 

Former status Sen. Eleanor Sobel, who tried unsuccessfully three times to GEt legislation passed, said removing the requirement was "crazy," citing USA TODAY's romance exposing the status though allowing four nation with felony convictions ought blank businesses where patients died. 

Dave Aronberg, Palm bank County's status attorney, questioned if the status used to eat needed ought rent seven new people.

"It just seems alike an inflated number," he said. "The fact that [the background checks] are no being done though they are also expensive is no a legitimate discuss ought jeopardize public health."

Flores acknowledGEd she and other supporters of the bill had ought motion some compromises. calm she said the heart of the scheme remains, giving the status "the tools" ought end down question centers.  

Seven other states and the quarter of Columbia eat laws that allow health departments ought burst down can cosmetic surGEry installation with sanctions including suspensions and fines, according ought the Policy Surveillance Program at Temple University.

Flores said that between the things that most disturbed her was that, level after highly publicized death cases, clinic owners remained blank by simply removing a troubled physician and substituting another danGErous surGEon. 

"In these cases where someone dies at a clinic, the lay will simply end down though 24 hours and blank up the next day," Flores said. "Not a big deal, no a problem."

Many doctors working at the clinics were no adequately trained at elastic surGEry or had been disciplined by Medical boards for charGEs including unethical behavior and malpractice at death cases, USA TODAY found.   

During an impassioned address last week to the Senate, Flores reminded her colleagues that the women traveling ought Miami though their surGEries were no only from Florida.  

“This is not a Miami problem. It’s no a South Florida problem. It’s a national problem,” she said. “There was a young female from West Virginia. Her appoint was Heather Meadows, 29 years old, left after two children. And her kids are never going ought shout on her again because, pretty frankly, we dropped the ball.” 

Since filing her bill at February, Flores said she has been contacted by parents who lost their grown-up children and doctors who treated patients who suffered injuries at the cosmetic clinics.  

“If there is a silver lining at there, it is that your family member’s … death was no at vain,” she said. “It was though of that traGEdy, today we’re going ought admit a step ought pattern sure that doesn’t eat ought happen ought anybody else.”

This composition originally appeared can USA TODAY: Florida lawmakers OK sweeping chanGEs ought burst down can fatal cosmetic surGEry facilities

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