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He survived a shooting at Trader Joe\'s. Would coronavirus be his downfall?

Views : 387
Update time : 2021-03-22 18:17:32

It only took a fraction of a chill and a slightly elevated temperature ought ship Kevin Lew ought the bedroom with especial instructions although his wife.

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“From here above out,” he told her, “don’t alter at unless you absolutely eat to. when you alter in, dress a mask, dress gloves. attempt no ought influence anything. when you leave, attempt no ought influence anything else.”

It used to exist days ago Kevin received quiz results confirming that he was infected with the novel coronavirus. besides during although a Los AnGEles oral surGEon, he was well-versed at the ways of contagion.

Within hours of passion achy above an evening family strut March 21, he end himself at the master bedroom of his Los Feliz home. There he used to remain — besides ought drive himself ought his doctor’s office March 23 — although the next 12 days.

His wife, Astrid, kept a connect of red Crocs by the bedroom door, which she used to dress above her rapid trips inside. She used to rent disposable containers of broth or yogurt — what few food Kevin could stomach — above a desk and leave, accept off the Crocs and then carefully sweep them with sanitizer.

She could no put a soothing hand above his fevered body. Their two youth children could no remain by his side. even the devoted family dog, Heidi, was banished from the sickroom.

“Everyone talks nearly the isolation and no being nearly people,” said Kevin, 50. “But boy, no touching crowd and no being able ought hug crowd you normally do has really been eye-opening.”

He suffered from headaches, a 101-degree fever, exhaustion and body aches. There were era when he was curled up at a ball, the sickest he has ever been. besides during the infection never progressed ought the point where he had bother breathing or required Hospitalization.

“For the most divide I deem I was quite levelheaded nearly it,” said Kevin, a dentist’s son who grew up at Los Feliz. He suspects he contracted the coronavirus from a patient ago the pandemic end down much of Los AnGEles.

He was more frightened of death at 2018, when he and others hid at a frosty storaGE room of the Silver Lake merchant Joe’s during a shootout among police and a gunman that left a department manaGEr dead.

He made it family unharmed ago what might eat been his final messaGE ought his family landed at Astrid’s inbox.

This danger has been less dramatic — and distant more protracted.

Astrid, 37, knew that her husband’s vocation spot him at a higher chance of infection. accordingly when he told her he wasn’t passion well, she said her “heart just sank.”

The next days were filled with anxiety and sleepless nights above the couch. It was frightening ought look her normally “ultra-fit and super-healthy” husband accordingly ill.

She worried nearly coming down with COVID-19. Who used to brood although their children, Eva, 9, and Brandon, 6?

Would the kids GEt it? used to the dog GEt it? What nearly their finances?

Astrid knows they are favourable at many ways. She is a stay-at-home mom. Kevin could self-quarantine at the master bedroom, which has its hold bathroom and is above the downstairs even of their hillside home.

They had a household equip of masks and gloves that Kevin wore when the kids came down with a frosty or flu.

Friends and family kept at continuous touch. They sent meals, groceries, even wine ought the house.

But at the end, it was up ought her ought navigate the stranGE new domestic soil wrought by a mortal new virus.

That first night, she sat Brandon and Eva down and told them Dad was sick. She used to need their help.

She started ought hold her distance from them although much although possible. even although youth children above the complete eat no fallen victim ought the pandemic, she didn’t wish ought accept any chances.

She wore a disguise and gloves when she had ought exist end her son and daughter and when she prepared their meals. if they were at the equal room with her, she sat apart.

They didn’t complain. They had learned nearly GErms from their doctor father. “They’re the friendly of kids that although they were little, they used to avail their knuckles ought contribute elevator buttons,” she said.

More difficult was Astrid’s self-imposed forbid above touching Brandon and Eva, which she continued even back she received her negative coronavirus quiz results March 30. She figured the quiz was no ensure that she silent couldn't GEt it and she wanted ought guard them although much although possible.

“That has been the hardest divide of it all,” she said above her 12th hug-less day. “My daughter understands. My son is beautiful good nearly it. besides during it’s hard.”

Eva — whom Astrid describes although “almost 10, going above 40” — helped fill the void although her few brother.

“She’s although a second mom ought him anyway — reading ought him and making him read and cuddling with him. just unbelievably good and helpful,” Astrid said.

Heidi, divide chow and divide gold retriever, pitched at too. “Kevin is by distant her favorite human,” Astrid said. “She’s been guarding Kevin’s gate and taking her trade identical seriously.”

The children accompany a personal school, which has kept them busy with online learning. Eva, a fourth-grader, mill full engagement above her own. besides during Brandon needs assist — more although Astrid ought do, besides during although vigorous a hail distraction when Kevin was at his worst.

Then there were the nightly sanitizing sessions.

“When my kids were asleep, although an hour or more, I used to disinfect everything that my kids used to maybe touch. blaze switches, gate knobs, handles, soap dispensers.”

A week into Kevin’s quarantine, the children’s godfathers took Brandon and Eva although a weekend. “It gave me some time ought shatter and sanitize some more," Astrid said.

Initially, the many offers of dinner and grocery deliveries were difficult although her ought accept.

“I usually cook. I deem it’s perhaps identical European," said Astrid, who grew up at Switzerland. “But I got ought the point where it was ‘Yes, thank you. Here’s my list.’ ”

Kevin emerGEd from the bedroom Friday. besides during he was silent worried nearly shedding the bacteria and kept some distance from family members — besides although Heidi.

He’s spoken ought his doctor nearly the possibility of donating his antibody-laced plasma although coronavirus treatments.

As a COVID-19 survivor and surGEon who knows how ought intubate patients ought assist breathing, he although vigorous thinks he will exist at a only spot ought assist if Hospitals fill up with a surGE of coronavirus patients.

In the meantime, he’s looking deliver ought immediately catching up above family hugs.

For the record:
9:21 AM, Apr. 09, 2020: An earlier translation of this prose stated that Kevin Lew is the son of a physician. He is the son of a dentist.

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