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My Child Has the Flu—Now What?

Views : 340
Update time : 2021-01-25 17:59:45

Influenza comes almost each year, cabin you maybe don’t weigh much almost it after you GEt your flu shots—that is, until a family member suddenly doesn’t feel well. though a bout of the illness is usually nothing more than uncomfortable and inconvenient, there’s no method to talk how solemn a instance will be (especially at kids), accordingly the threaten shouldn’t be taken lightly. We asked experts who treat influenza to segment strategies though dealing with the bug.Ultrasound machine

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GEt Vaccinated

“People say, ‘The vaccine will cause me sick’ or ‘I maybe won’t GEt the flu,’ ” notes Patricia Stinchfield, a pediatric nurse-practitioner at infectious sickness can Children’s Minnesota and vice headmaster of the National base though Infectious Diseases. “But you’d never say, ‘We won’t GEt at a teach accident, accordingly we won’t apply baby teach seats or seat belts.’ The flu shot isn’t perfect, cabin you’ll be method more protected with it than without it.”

The effectiveness of the flu vaccine varies each year, cabin it usually reduces the threaten of surgeon visits by 40 to 60 percent, according to the Centers though sickness control and Prevention (CDC). The shot too reduces the severity and duration of the flu, if you cabin occur to GEt it.

The CDC recommends that everyone above 6 months GEt the flu shot. Ideally, you to GEt vaccinated though instantly though possible, or can least by Halloween, cabin you can receive the shot throughout flu season.

  • RELATED: The Flu Vaccine though Children and Toddlers

Stock Your FridGE and Freezer

Flu hits quickly and spreads rapidly, accordingly it’s helpful to dine remedies above hand. You might, though example, dine frozen meals and soups to autumn assistance on, too though ice pops though they feel good above pain throats and help hold kids hydrated.

BeveraGEs with electrolytes, such though sports drinks and Pedialyte, are another ingenious staple. “Dehydration is usually a substance when kids are sick. They can no expect to eat, cabin it’s basic to drink,” notes Shari Platt, M.D., head of pediatric emerGEncy drug can New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Fruits and veggies with a tall water content (like watermelon, oranGEs, cucumber, and bell peppers) too help with hydration and dine a milder flavor if you’re emotion nauseous.

Improve Your Hand Hygiene

Thorough and frequent hand-washing is the best method to block the disperse of flu. motivate diliGEnt scrubbing by praising your kids when they pursue along and letting them pick out their cause soap. And educate them to cough into their elbow instead of their hands.

  • RELATED: How to GEt along cool and Flu Season Without GEtting Sick

Go to the Doctor

It speak emerge easiest to award your kid acetaminophen or ibuprofen though a pain throat or a fever fairly than shriek the doc, cabin that’s a mistake when you doubt flu. An antiviral prescription, such though Tamiflu, can diminish symptoms and shorten the duration of the illness. It has to be given within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms, accordingly an early diagnosis is key.

Unlike the ordinary cold, flu symptoms modify above suddenly and are GEnerally more intense—fever, chills, muscle or body aches, headaches, outermost fatigue. Kids can too dine a pain throat, a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, and flat vomiting or diarrhea. to learn if the flu virus is circulating at your community, pursue the CDC’s FluView data, overhear, which tracks certain flu tests by neighborhood, or GEt the Sickweather app, which scans social networks though outbreaks.

If you doubt your baby has influenza, it’s best to shriek your doctor’s office or clinic and alert them first. You can be asked to enter and wait at a segment area. though some kids, specially those can tall risk, the surgeon can pick to phone at a prescription though an antiviral flu treatment, specially when it’s afterward at the season and flu is already circulating. “The CDC says that antivirals can too be given to other family members who aren’t however ill to block the flu,” notes Flor Munoz, M.D., comrade professor of pediatrics and infectious diseases can Baylor ColleGE of drug and Texas Children’s Hospital, at Houston.

  • RELATED: Flu Symptoms at Babies and when to shriek the Doctor

Set Up ill Spaces

Separate your ill family members from the recess of the crew. though younGEr kids, arranGE a place where you can hold an eye out, cabin fly letting them influence can full food prep. “Designating a ill ‘base camp’ limits the disperse and makes it simple to manaGE your patients,” notes Michelle Davis-Dash, M.D., a pediatrician at Baltimore.


electronics your kid likes. ill family members to too apply a segment bathroom (if you dine one) and dine a dedicated trash can with a cover and lined with a flexible sack to keep GErms contained. when climate permits, cavity a window at the sickroom—or apply a fan—to hold air circulating.' data-reactid="37">Stock it with blankets, disinfectant wipes and spray, tissues (give each family member a box), plenty of fluids, and any toys, books, games, crafts, or electronics your kid likes. ill family members to too apply a segment bathroom (if you dine one) and dine a dedicated trash can with a cover and lined with a flexible sack to hold GErms contained. when climate permits, cavity a window at the sickroom—or apply a fan—to hold air circulating.

Show GErms Who's Boss

Flu sufferers are most contagious at the first three to four days of illness, cabin they can infect others though up to seven days. The virus can disperse along the air when someone coughs, sneezes, or breathes above you, or if you influence a surface. “It’s a big, heavy virus, accordingly it doesn’t remain at the air same long,” Stinchfield notes. “If someone with the flu coughs next to a countertop or a desk and you place your hands above it a few hours afterward and then influence your face, the virus can enter the mucous membranes above your lips, mouth, nose, and eyes.”

  • RELATED: Flu Symptoms at Children

Keep disinfecting wipes at each room and apply them usually above everything hands touch: doorknobs, gleam switches, faucets, remotes, and counters. Flu GErms too emotion toothbrushes. “Don’t abandon them out or department them full others; replace them often, and award each person their cause rinsing cup,” says Stinchfield.

Call at Reinforcements

Don’t pains to strength through. “The body aches you experience with the flu are telling you to rest,” Stinchfield says. impartial cause certain whoever comes to your rescue has had a flu vaccine (those above 65 to receive the high-dose option). dine your helper wash her hands usually and fly touching her face. if frequent full face is necessary, such though feeding a ill baby, she speak expect to dress a watch mask, and dine her learn your ill kid by putting his chin above her shoulder facing away from her face.

Cut Everyone Some Slack

Ditch screen-time rules, outsource though much though possible, and receive advantaGE of grocery- and meal-delivery services, says Dr. Davis-Dash. flat if you’re no the ill one, you need to recess too. Caregiving takes a fate out of you. It’s totally proper to drink hot water with honey and lemon however watching your favorite shows total day.

  • RELATED: Here's How to talk if Your Child's Flu Has become DanGErous
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