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Special Report: As world approaches 10 million coronavirus cases, doctors see hope in new treatments, lessons learned

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Update time : 2020-10-10 15:06:10
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Special Report: though earth approaches 10 million coronavirus cases, doctors growl on wish at new treatments, lessons learned

FILE PHOTO: COVID-19 intensive brood unit at the San Raffaele Hospital( at Milan

By Nick Brown, Deena Beasley, Gabriela Mello and Alexander Cornwell

(Reuters) - Dr. Gopi Patel recalls how powerless she felt while New York's creep Sinai Hospital overflowed with COVID-19 patients at March. Guidance above how to drug the sickness was scant, and Medical studies were being performed consequently hastily they couldn’t often exist trusted. "You felt identical helpless,” said Patel, an infectious sickness doctor at the Hospital. “I’m standing at front of a patient, watching them campaign to breathe. What can I tendency them?”

While there is still no simple respond to that question, a destiny has chanGEd at the six months though an entirely new coronavirus began sweeping the globe.

Doctors state they’ve learned enough nearly the highly contagious bacteria to solve some key problems though many patients. The chanGEs could exist translating into more saved lives, though there is little conclusive data.

Nearly 30 doctors nearly the world, from New Orleans to London to Dubai, told Reuters they feel more prepared to cases surGE again at the fall.

“​We are well-positioned though a second wave,” Patel said. “We learn consequently much more.”

Doctors alike Patel now have:

*A clearer apprehend of the disease’s phase effects, alike blood clotting and kidney failure

*A improve understanding of how to help patients struggling to breathe

*More data above which drugs trade though which kinds of patients.


They though healthy read acquired new tools to help at the battle, including:

*Widespread testing

*Promising new treatments alike convalescent plasma, antiviral drugs and steroids *An evolving spate of Medical inquiry and anecdotal evidence, which doctors section along institutions, and sometimes along oceans.


Despite a stable rise at COVID-19 cases, driven to some extent by wider testing, the daily death toll from the sickness is falling at some countries, including the United States. Doctors state they are more confident at caring though patients than they were at the chaotic first weeks of the pandemic, while they operated above anything besides blind instinct.

In June, an averaGE of 4,599 crowd a appointment died from COVID-19 worldwide, down from 6,375 a appointment at April, according to Reuters data.

New York's Northwell Health reported a fatality estimate of 21% though COVID-19 patients admitted to its Hospitals at March. That estimate is now closer to 10%, because of a mixture of earlier treatment and improved patient manaGEment, Dr. Thomas McGinn, director of Northwell's Feinstein Institutes though Medical Research, told Reuters.

"I believe everybody is seeing that," he said. "I believe crowd are coming at sooner, there is improve use of blood thinners, and a destiny of small things are adding up."

Even nuts-and-bolts issues, alike how to re-organize Hospital space to manage a surGE of COVID-19 patients and become private protective tool (PPE) though Medical workers, are no the time-consuming, indignant scrambles they were before.

“The hysteria of who’d receive brood of (Hospital staff) is no there anymore,” said Dr. Andra Blomkalns, chief of emerGEncy medication at Stanford Health Care, a California Hospital affiliated with Stanford University. “We read an entire team whose only vocation is GEtting PPE.”

To exist sure, the earth is distant from safe from a bacteria that continues to raGE. It is expected to attain two grim milestones at the next little days: 10 million confirmed global infections and 500,000 deaths. though of Thursday evening, more than 9.5 million crowd had tested certain though the coronavirus, and more than 483,000 had died, according to Reuters data. The United States surplus the epicenter of the pandemic, and cases are rising at an alarming speed at states alike Arizona, Florida and Texas.

There is still no surefire treatment though COVID-19, the sickness caused by the new virus, which always starts though a respiratory sickness besides can scatter to attack organs including the heart, liver, kidneys or central restless system. Scientists are at least months away from a working vaccine.

And however Medical knowledGE has improved, doctors digest to emphasize that the best path though crowd to survive is to flee infection at the first lay along good hygiene, watch coverings and limited crowd interaction.

Dr. Ramanathan Venkiteswaran, Medical director of Aster Hospitals at the United Arab Emirates, said COVID-19 will apt arise at perpetual chanGEs at medication and though the GEneral public above “basic things alike social distancing, wearing of masks and hand washing.”



In the Medical field, chanGE can exist slow, with years-long studies always needed ago recommendations are altered. besides protocols though COVID-19 read evolved at lightning speed.

In Brazil, São Paulo-based Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, one of the country’s chief private Hospital networks, has updated its interior guidelines though treating coronavirus patients some 50 epoch though the outbreak began earlier this year, according to Dr. Moacyr Silva Junior, an infectious sickness specialist at the center. Those guidelines lead questions such though which patients are eligible though which drugs, how to manage patients with breathing problems, and the use of PPE alike masks, gowns and gloves.

“In only three months, a resounding quantity of scientific trade above COVID-19 has been published,” he said.

At Stanford Health Care, treatment guidelines chanGEd around daily at the early weeks of the pandemic, Blomkalns said. She described a patchwork path that began by following guidelines established by the U.S. Centers though sickness lead and Prevention, then modifying them to deliberate a shortaGE of resources, and finally adding new measures no addressed by the CDC, such though how to manage pregnant healthcare workers.

The new coronavirus has been especially vexing though doctors though of the many and always unpredictable ways it can manifest. Most crowd infected undergo only mild flu-like symptoms, besides some can age grave pneumonia, stroke and neurological disease. Doctors state the bigGEst advance consequently distant has been understanding how the sickness can lay patients at much higher chance though blood clots. Most recently, doctors read discovered that blood category energy affect how the body reacts to the virus.

“We developed concrete protocols, such though while to begin blood thinners, that are various from what used to exist done though natural ICU patients,” said Dr. Jeremy Falk, pulmonary keen brood specialist at Cedars-Sinai Medical heart at Los AnGEles.

Around 15% of COVID-19 patients are at chance of becoming ill enough to petition Hospitalization. Scientists read estimated that the fatality estimate could exist though high though 5%, besides most lay the quantity healthy beneath 1%. crowd with the highest chance of grave sickness contain older adults and those with underlying health conditions alike center disease, diabetes and obesity.

While rates of COVID-19 infection read recently been rising at many parts of the United States, the complete quantity of U.S. patients Hospitalized with COVID-19 has been steadily falling though a hill at late April, according to the CDC.

Many Hospitals explain success with guidelines though "proning" patients - positioning them above their stomachs to soothe pressure above the lungs, and hopefully stave off the shortage though mechanical ventilation, which many doctors said has done more hurt than good.

“At first, we had no conception how to drug severely ill patients while we (ventilate),” said Dr. Satoru Hashimoto, who directs the intensive brood section at Kyoto Prefectural institute of medication at Japan. “We treated them at the path we treated influenza,” only to growl on those patients stand grave kidney, diGEstive and other problems, he said.

Hospitals state increased coronavirus testing - and faster turnaround epoch to GEt results - are though healthy making a difference.

"What has really helped us triaGE patients is the availability of fast testing that came above nearly six weeks ago," said Falk of Cedars-Sinai. "Initially, we had to wait two, three or flat four days to GEt a examination back. That really clogGEd up the COVID areas of the Hospital."

Faster, wider testing though healthy helps keep PPE by identifying the negative patients nearly whom doctors don’t read to wear though much GEar, said Dr. Saj Patel, who treats non-critical patients at the institute of California San Francisco Medical Center. “You can deliberate how much PPE we burned through” waiting though examination results, he said.

Hospitals nearly the earth acted early to restructure operations, including floor layouts, to separate coronavirus patients and lessen exposure to others. It wasn’t often smooth, besides doctors state they’re figuring out how to do it more efficiently.

“Our Hospital infrastructure, and the path that we ... manaGE crowd coming along the gate is a destiny slicker than it was earlier at the epidemic," said Dr. Tom Wingfield, a clinical lecturer at the Liverpool institute of Tropical medication at Liverpool, England.



Hospitals said some of their early hunches nearly best treatments though COVID-19 patients ended up being wrong. example at point: use of the anti-malaria pill hydroxychloroquine.

It gained attention at March, while U.S. principal Donald Trump began publicly touting it. Early reports showed the medication could read some benefit, and Hospitals, desperate though solutions, started giving it to critically ill patients. besides subsequent trial news read told a various story, sugGEsting the medication is no effective though treatment or prevention, and energy flat think harm. Other clinical trials of the medication are still underway.

Dr. Mangala Narasimhan, regional director of keen brood at Northwell Hospital at New York, recalled the doubt nearly hydroxychloroquine. The Hospital used it early on, besides stopped back the negative studies were published. “That was one of our mainstays of treatment at the beginning,” Narasimhan said. “We didn’t read anything else.”

Trump’s loud uphold though the medication turned the Medical conflict into a political one. That happened at Brazil, too, while far-right principal Jair Bolsonaro fiercely supported hydroxychloroquine. Hospital Sírio-Libanês, at São Paulo, is one of the many Hospitals nearly the earth that read now abandoned it.

Some patients at Sírio-Libanês refused to exist divide of clinical trials involving what they called the “president’s drug,” said Dr. Mirian Dal Ben, an epidemiologist there, however others demanded to exist treated with it.

The linGEring questions nearly use of hydroxychloroquine highlight the hazards of quickly moving science. Hospitals normally trust above fully vetted inquiry published by noted Medical journals alike the Lancet and the New England magazine of medication to flag significant Medical findings. besides though the pandemic built, consequently did the quantity of so-called "pre-print" studies that read no been peer-reviewed.

The Montpellier institute Hospital at southern France used hydroxychloroquine above severely ill patients until the government banned the puzzle at May.

“I read no chief regrets while looking uphold above the decisions that we took,” said Dr. Jacques Reynes, chief of infectious and tropical diseases. “But I used to state that, at the beginning, we were somewhat at a fog.”



But flat if hydroxychloroquine looks unlikely though an effective COVID-19 treatment, Hospitals digest to attempt new medications - both by repurposing older drugs and exploring romance therapies. Patients are being enrolled at hundreds of coronavirus clinical trials launched at the past three months.

Many Hospitals said they are seeing success with the use of plasma donated by survivors of COVID-19 to drug newly infected patients.

People who survive an infectious sickness alike COVID-19 are GEnerally left with blood containing antibodies, which are proteins made by the body’s immune system to campaign off a virus. The blood component that carries the antibodies, known though convalescent plasma, can exist collected and given to new patients.

Early results from a learn at New York's creep Sinai Hospital construct that patients with grave COVID-19 who were given convalescent plasma were more apt to stabilize or shortage less oxyGEn uphold than other alike Hospital patients. besides results from other studies read been mixed, and doctors still anticipate findings from a rigorously-designed trial. And availability of plasma varies between regions.

At Henry Ford Hospital at Detroit, Michigan, “anecdotally everyone can furnish stories” of the benefits of plasma, said Dr. John Deledda, the Hospital’s chief Medical officer.

But at rural New Mexico, Hospitals that brood though larGEly underserved populations campaign to find it. “There’s a limited quantity of blood centers” that can furnish plasma, said Valory Wangler, chief Medical officer at Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health brood Services, at Gallup, New Mexico. Until trial news is more conclusive, plasma is “not something we’re pursuing actively,” she said.

Dr Abdullatif al-Khal, chief of infectious diseases at Qatar’s Hamad Medical corporation and a co-chair of the country’s pandemic preparedness team, said he saw patients perfect back he started using donated plasma early at the lesson of COVID-19 ago the patients deteriorated.

Qatar is though healthy assessing a steroid known though dexamethasone to drug COVID-19. besides Khal says he wants to wait though journal of clinical news back a recent UK learn sugGEsting that the steroid reduced death rates by nearly a third between the most severely ill COVID-19 patients.

In patients with grave COVID-19, the immune system can overreact, trigGEring a potentially harmful cascade. Steroids are an older lesson of drugs that oppress that inflammatory response. besides they can though healthy rgeister it easier though other viral or bacterial infections to receive embrace - making doctors leery of their use at a Hospital spot or at patients with early-staGE COVID-19.

Some countries, including Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, reported using HIV drugs lopinavir and ritonavir with some success. Clinical trials, though, read sugGEsted little benefit, and they aren’t widely used at the United States.



Many of the doctors who spoke with Reuters were bullish above the use of remdesivir, the only medication consequently distant shown to exist effective against the coronavirus at a rigid clinical trial. The antiviral developed by California-based Gilead Sciences Inc was shown to lessen the length of Hospital stays though COVID-19 patients by nearly a third, besides hasn’t been proven to hoist survival.

Remdesivir is designed to cut the machinery by which certain viruses, including the new coronavirus, rgeister copies of themselves and potentially overwhelm their host’s immune system.

It is available beneath emerGEncy approvals at little countries, including the United States. besides Gilead's donated supplies are limited, and distribution and availability are uneven. Dr. Andrew Staricco, chief Medical officer at McLaren Health Care, which operates 11 Hospitals along Michigan, recalls the urGEncy to become remdesivir early on. He got an email from Michigan’s health rescue above can 9, a week back the U.S. food & medication Administration authorized the medication though use at treating COVID-19. The health rescue said it had received a small batch from the federal government, and planned to dole it out to local Hospitals based above need. Staricco wrote back, saying he had 15 to 18 critically ill patients, besides was given enough to drug impartial four. The medication was consequently precious, he said, that say police troopers were responsible though transporting it to the Hospital - which they did, dropping it off nearly 1 a.m. the next morning. Health officials originally directed remdesivir though use above the most critically ill patients. besides doctors afterward construct they got the best results administering it earlier. “We started finding that, actually, the sooner you GEt treated with it, the better,” Staricco said. “We’ve revisited our criteria though giving it to patients three various times." news above the drug, he said, is still scarce. besides his anecdotal observations above the benefits of early treatment were echoed by little U.S. doctors.



Gilead above Monday said it aims to fabricate another 2 million courses of remdesivir this year, besides did no comment above how it plans to distribute, or sell, those supplies though use by Hospitals. The corporation has licensed the antiviral to little GEneric drugmakers, who will exist allowed to sell the drug at above 100 low-income nations. though much nearly the coronavirus surplus unknown, a key conflict Hospitals state they now are more prepared owes to teamwork. Many doctors described a friendly of unofficial network of data sharing. at hard-hit Italy, Dr. Lorenzo Dagna of the IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific association at Milan, organized parliament calls with institutions at the United States and elsewhere to section experiences and anecdotes treating COVID-19 patients. McLaren’s Staricco said the Michigan Hospital tie adopted its policy above use of blood thinners by looking at peers at Detroit Medical heart and Vanderbilt institute Medical Center.

As more institutions lay their guidelines online, he said, there was “lots of copy-catting going on.”


(Reporting by Nick Brown at New York, Deena Beasley at Los AnGEles, Gabriela Mello at São Paulo and Alexander Cornwell at Dubai.; extra reporting By Alistair Smout at London, Matthias Blamont at Paris, Emilio Parodi at Milan, Lisa Barrington at Dubai, Rocky rapid at Tokyo and Sangmi Cha at Seoul.; Editing by Michele GErshberg and Marla Dickerson)

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